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Friday, August 31, 2007

you say, i say

When it comes to getting dressed, men are a little bit more important than handbags but less important than shoes. At any rate, we are merely accessories. You never want people to notice your accessories. When you walk into a room, heads should turn. The desired effect is for everyone to say or think that you look beautiful. Your entire ensemble should be so captivating, so cohesive, that one particular thing can't be singled out. It supports you; you don't support it. In this same way, your man should not upstage you. He is there to highlight you. Make sure the look isn't too matchy-matchy; you don't want to seem like you planned it all out. Your best bet is to match the man gear to that great new Balenciaga bag that you're planning to carry. If your bag works with your outfit, so will he. Always make sure that your jewellery is in sync and that he is not more or less dressed up than you are."

~ Ashton Kutcher


posted by Autotechnology on 11:32 AM | permalink