Five Horizons   untuk mereka yang kesepian, dan terasing, di rumahnya sendiri...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

buat wuwun dan keluarga:
welcome back my friends!

We all have a weakness
But some of ours are easy to identify.
Look me in the eye,
and ask for forgiveness.
We'll make a pact to never speak that word again.
Yes, you are my friend.
We all have something that digs at us,
at least we dig each other.

So when weakness turns my ego up
I know you'll count on me from yesterday.

If I turn into another
dig me up from under what is covering
the better part of me.
Sing this song
remind me that we'll always have each other
when everything else is gone oohh.

We all have a sickness
that cleverly attaches and multiplies
No matter how we try.
We all have someone that dig sat us,
at least we dig each other.

So when sickness turns my ego up
I know you'll act asa clever medicine.

If I turn into another,
dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me.
Sing this song!
Remind me that we'll always have each other
when everything elsis gone.
Oh, each other when everything elsis gone.

dig, by incubus - light grenades 2006


posted by Autotechnology on 4:52 PM | permalink

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

apakah c p p 1 itu ada?

dua gelas teh rerumputan
mencoba menghalau hujan deras yang bertamu
ketika lelah berbicara tentang kesedihan,
bermalam-malam kita berciuman
mencoba membebaskan jasad dari ikatan yang membatasi

senja masih tersisa, menempel di gedung-gedung dengan
keletihan yang sama
namun ingatan tentang masa itu.
pembicaraan tentang kenyataan, tentang kenikmaatan hidup, tentang kesedihan

seteguk lagi, gelas akan tandas,
menyisakan ampas di dasar gelas
dari genggam tanganmu,
aku tahu ada yang sama-sama tengah kita rindukan
tak perlu dikatakan, tapi kita memang harus segera berjalan
sebelum malam hilang kesabaran


posted by Autotechnology on 10:16 AM | permalink